Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One of those moments

The biggest reason I was drawn to FSF in the first place is because I love soccer. In my 15+ years playing, I have learned a ton, made many friends, felt some of the highest of highs and some of the lowest of lows. I love watching soccer, I love talking about soccer, I love playing soccer, I love all that soccer has afforded me in my life so far. 

But another part of the game that is somewhat new to me is the swelling of happiness, pride and giddyness (sorry-such a girly word, but it's exactly what I mean) that comes from watching someone else experience the joys of "the beautiful game" for the first time.  I was lucky enough to have one of those moments on Saturday at practice. Throughout the morning, we worked on passing and receiving with my team, the Estrella Seniors. One of my players, who is athletic and quick and pretty adept with her right, was struggling to effectively pass with her left. Was. 

During a particularly long water break, we began passing and I tried to talk through and help her feel the proper techniques of passing. A locked ankle, striking the middle of the ball etc. After several reps, she had already visibly improved. A few moments later, we began a 5v5 small sided game. Not only did I watch her place two give-and-go passes with her newfound left foot, but just moments later, she finished a ball into the side of the goal with a perfectly-timed left-footed slot. She bounded up to me for a high five, shouting "¡Aprendí, Aprendí! (I learned! I learned!)" I loved it. Her excitement was infectious, invigorating the whole group, coaches and made me smile ear to ear. 

I know how much I love, and will always love soccer. But seeing new joy of the game in another is something else entirely. I felt overjoyed for her and frankly somewhat touched. Soccer, particularly when it is shared, has potential like little else. It fosters countless positive things, but among those are ambition and hope. I think this is what it is all about. That moment I was lucky enough to experience...that is the whole point. 

Friday, February 1, 2013


The Granada baseball team made it to the Nicaragua World Series and played a best-of-seven series against rival Chinandega last week. We caught three games in Granada and although Granada ultimately lost the series, it was a crazy and exciting experience. Particularly during the last game, the stadium was packed to capacity with Granada fans all sporting the Tiburones' red. A constant disharmony of whistles, conch shells, noise makers and screaming filled the air, only subsiding when it became clear that the Tiburones would lose. Vendors weaved in and out of the crowds selling fritos, quesillos (a wrap filled with Nica cheese, a few veggies, and cream-kind of nasty if you ask me), plantain chips, noise makers and probably 400 other things. 

All in all, the games were a lot of fun and provided for some quality time with the Nicaraguan coaches.
Flaca, Techo, Becca

Mastering the conch shell

 Yet amid all the mayhem, several kids crawl in and out of the throngs of people collecting and stomping on empty beer cans. One boy who couldn't have been more than 12 hung around our area for all three games. He sat silently and occasionally peered up at us. His eyes said more than any words could have. Big and deep brown, they at once looked pure and innocent as well as all-knowing, as if they had already seen too much. Meeting his gaze, I couldn't help but feel my stomach knot up. How could someone so young already be so sad? At his age, kids ought to be relishing in the joys of childhood, playing and forming friendships, eyes hopeful and happy. But instead this boy saw only the empty cans as a chance to get maybe 10 cords total (rough equivalent of 50 cents). Childhood should not be a luxury. No one should have to grow up so fast.  

Some thoughts

The past 10 days we've been starting to get into the swing of things, although it is still technically preseason. Twice a week activities in a addition to twice a week soccer playing are the norm. We've also been doing other developmental activities. Yesterday, for instance, we spent time in each of our teams planning and drawing up detailed practice plans, which was new and exciting for most of the coaches and the interns. I learned about and understood this way of practice planning from the NSCAA coaching course I took last summer, but trying to communicate this information in Spanish was a whole new challenge. After taking Spanish classes every morning for the past two weeks and interacting on a daily basis in Spanish, my language skills only feel ever, ever so slightly improved. I think it is going to be a matter of repetition for sure.

I am really excited to get started with regular programming where we can have a more consistent progression in both activities and soccer. We will also start to have games (we are joining a local boys league) and workshops every three weeks in which we will bring in local successful women. I am super excited that we are hoping to have a health focus in our workshops this season! I am interested in health initiatives and I am really excited we will be focusing on this with our girls. Health of mind, body and spirit are vital pieces of our greater mission.